hey, i'm Katrina.

I'm a business coach and trainer who wants to help you to supercharge your side hustle.

Something you may not know about me...

I have been a business nerd… since I was 'knee high to a grasshopper' as the saying goes.

My business adventures started out as a 'side hustle’ from school as a 10-year-old and involved peddling a pink bike madly throughout my neighbourhood selling my family's farm grown strawberries, tomatoes and other assorted veggies as a ‘home delivery’ service to anyone who would buy! 

My love for business and education… hasn’t really stopped and is evident with my ‘grown up’ experience! 

My 'grown up' career includes over 20 years of experience, working across different sectors including the not-for-profit, corporate and government sectors.

Throughout those 20 years, I have worked with a multitude of ‘global business’ think organisations across the Asia-Pacific region, like the United Nations Development Programme, Citi Group Foundation, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, TAFE Queensland, local councils, and 'small fry' organisations like sole traders and start-ups!   

I also have a few pieces of paper, oops formal education qualifications including: 

  • Bachelor of International Relations
  • Diploma of Adult Education (Achieved at High Distinction Level)
  • Diploma of Leadership Coaching and Mentoring
  • Certificate IV in Business and Personal Coaching
  • Certificate IV in Small Business Management
  • Certificate IV in Project Management
  • Certificate III in Micro Business Operations
  • Certificate III in Community Services Work 
  • Certificate II in Small Business

My love of education has also meant that I have participated in non-accredited training in both Australia and overseas. In the following areas: digital marketing, copy writing, business training for social enterprises, financial education, fundraising, people trafficking, desktop publishing and computing, personal development and more...  

but it wasn't always that way...

When I first started out my career was far from idyllic... 

27 years ago, you would have found me as a teenager feeling pretty unhappy and down trodden.  

I had dropped out of school without any real direction of where to next.

Unfortunately, my home life at the time wasn't particularly 'inspiring' and involved physical abuse from my brother, a father with mental health issues, and financial issues due to unemployment and a struggling family farm business.  

My internal inner stories... were incredibly negative and cruel... and generally reinforced what I had been told by the bullies around me. 

As a result, I found myself working a dead-end job at a small family-owned bakery, (with another bully), so following a path that was pretty soul destroying...



I made a decision...

One day while at work (after a workplace bullying incident), I was contemplating my life after slicing my twentieth loaf of bread for the day.

I made a life changing decision that I was never going to do work I 'hated' ever again, and I was going to change my future. 

I would love to say that I took immediate action and quit there and then... unfortunately I wasn't quite that brave!

However, I did take the time, research and created an escape plan... which involved taking action and returning to study. 

That was only the beginning of my education and career story... I went on to become a lifelong learner and have spent well over $70 000 on my education. 

Education was one of the major catalysts that changed my life.

It led me to having multiple careers where I have been paid to do what I love!

It’s always nice to get paid to travel the world, play with puppies, work on multimillion dollar projects, inspire international students through education, sit in a cafe by the beach drinking coffee and working out empire building plans with small business owners!

It was even at a personal development workshop where I met my husband!  

During my career, education and travel journeys I discovered

there is a major problem in the world where... 

the world 'system' we live in is still designed to keep women (and those that are 'different') powerless and unequal to retain the 'status quo' in our global society. 

In Australia, there has been progress in increasing equality and reducing the power imbalance of women over time (e.g., the right to vote, access to a bank account etc.).  

Unfortunately, so much more still needs to be done globally, and even in a 'lucky country' like Australia. 

In 2023, basically only 9% of the CEO's (aka bosses) of Australia's largest 300 companies listed on the stock exchange are run by women.

At the current rate of change it could take up to 50 years to reach gender parity in CEO roles".

(Chief Executive Women - Senior Executive Census 2023). 

And that is exactly why I decided to dedicate my life to...

supporting women (like you) to be your own boss because education and business are powerful catalysts to equalise the playing field and bring about change.  

Still here? I am not all work and no play! I promise! 

Some random fun facts about me...

▶︎ I live in an awesome regional location...who knew that there are places outside of the big 'smoke' in Australia! 

Perks of regional Australia - kangaroos and hot air balloons literally dropping in... I have photos to prove it! 

▶︎ I walked 100km in 48 hours as part of a charity event for Oxfam Trailwalker with 15 blisters. Ouch! 

It wasn't my first crazy ultra endurance adventure either... having completed another 60km walk for women's cancer, half marathons and lots of shorter runs... not bad for someone who never used to run at all. 

▶︎I am married to the best husband.. if I do say so myself... 

I met him at a training workshop by getting really uncomfortable and publicly reading out a journal entry at a personal development workshop... that's a story for another day! 

▶︎ I may be a crazy cat lady... or just an animal junkie... as we have two moggies (Maddy and Puddy) a pooch (Piper) and fish (Spotty and his fishy friends...). 

▶︎ I love sunflowers! Who would have guessed? Beautiful, sunny, happy flowers what's not to love! 


